D-RECTION: Maybe the dumbest law ever proposed is coming out of Mississippi right now, plus what were the weird punishments you endured, or the crafty ones you used on your kids and what we would ask aliens for if they are real and all powerful.
D-RECTION: Maybe the dumbest law ever proposed is coming out of Mississippi right now, plus what were the weird punishments you endured, or the crafty ones you used on your kids and what we would ask aliens for if they are real and all powerful.
ALL NAMED WILLIAM: Bill Burr was surprised by a meeting with Billy Corgan, it got super uncomfortable for everyone in the room but that made it even more fun for us, plus how many times can your local Aussie TV reporter say “balls” during a show and when one of us pees, we all pee…
LITTLE ASH-HOLES – A couple of kids might have spilled their PawPaw’s ashes everywhere which their mom didn’t realize… until after she vacuumed them up (d’oh!), and the text line light up with the coolest things you’ve done with your relative’s ashes, from spread near the deer stand, to in shot gun shell and the epic places Annie from Maple Plain took her late husband to, but the anonymous listener who knew someone that used their late mother’s ashes for traction when the car got stuck in the snow wins the day. Plus horrible cures for the flu people used in the middle ages (urine bath?!?!) and what was on your bucket list when you were 13? One kid’s got you beat…
Tongue Expedition: We discovered the least licked body part (Zepp insists we are all missing out) plus Steve is all in on “soup you can suck” and horrible Instacart substitutions (kiddy pools are not the same as beef jerky sticks).
It’s a Tree Man, Put It in the Ground: We gripe about nosy neighbors, hear all about your wild surgical souvenirs (used pelvic plate necklace winning by a lot) and Sam Ekstrom gives us a recap of the Viking season.
Those Damn Boot Prints in the Snow: We dove into stupid ways you got busted and “leaving behind foot tracks in the snow” was the top answer by a LOT plus we take your Vendetta Dedications for our Midweek Mixtape and why you’ll sleep better if you do your tongue exercises…
GONNA TELL MY MOM: Weird reasons you’ve dumped people, plus we learn all about the Kentucky Meat Shower in Unfun Facts and why you should drink more grape juice.
IF IT FEELS GOOD DO IT… IF IT SMELLS GOOD EAT IT: We dig into some of the drunkest people we’ve ever encountered (they all seem to get up on bar stools), plus the weirdest things that sent your pets to the vet and why Steve is going to stop picking his nose when he turns 65…
ITS FRENCH FOR BEAVER: Illinois shared their rejected personalize license plates for 2024 and we heard some Minnesota ones that made it past the censors at MN DVS, plus why they call 911 in Canada and you can probably get away with trippin’ on mushrooms until someone starts chewing ice…
SWEET CUDDLY MAYHEM: We looked a predictions from 100 years ago for 2025 and some of them are pretty damn close, plus your best predictions for the year 2125 (it’s not just Jetsons’ style flying cars) plus a Hooter’s waitress calls a cop “daddy” and it does not work out the way she hopes and our Midweek Mixtape features songs you’d make the loser of your fantasy league perform in front of a stadium.