All-time favorite bands/artists? AC/DC, Judas Priest, Van Halen, Rush, and KISS. Cinderella and Styx rule too!
First album you ever purchased? Rush: 2112!! “Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation, we have assumed control…”
First Concert? First proper concert was AC/DC on their Black Ice Tour! Technically though, my first show was Good Charlotte at First Ave. *hides face in minor embarrassment*
Which band have you seen in concert the most times? I’ve seen Styx, Stryper, and Alice Cooper 4x each. Seen Tom Keifer of Cinderella 3x. They’re all SO great at bringing the records to life onstage and putting on a powerful show!
Name a show that’s a MUST watch? BoJack Horseman
What’s a movie(s) you could never get sick of watching? All of the Sandler classics and anything with Chris Farley in it. The Austin Powers series too!
Greatest comedy movie of all-time? Tommy Boy
Favorite local sports team? SCAR Dolls! (Roller Derby)
What’s an app you can’t live without? Youtube
Describe your first car: 1994 Geo Prizm! It was red with a cassette deck and manual transmission. I used to wear out AC/DC “Flick of The Switch” and Crüe “Shout at the Devil” tapes in there.
What topic(s) would you crush at trivia night? 80’s music, skateboarding or anything guitar related
What toppings are on your ideal pizza? Give me a supreme pizza with just about everything on it. Olives, onion, mushrooms, peppers, the works! (Hold the pineapple, please. I’m not a heathen.)
Growing up, whose poster was on your bedroom wall? Mike Vallely. He’s a super unique pro skater with this raw punk-rock attitude, but he also has an incredibly fun creative side. “Never give up!”
If you could go to dinner with 3 famous people (dead or alive) who would you pick? Malcolm Young, Eddie Van Halen, Neil Peart