Everyone seems to have a list of the best people, places and things in Minnesota… and now so do we – but ours is more fun!

Everyone seems to have a list of the best people, places and things in Minnesota… and now so do we – but ours is more fun!
The icons, actors and musicians we lost in 2022
A great talk about his blues peers, supporting other musicians through the pandemic, his podcast and more!
Join us as we celebrate Tom throughout the rest of the year until his final Morning Show on December 23rd.
Everyone seems to have a list of the best people, places and things in Minnesota… and now so do we!
The icons, actors and musicians we lost in 2021
Thank you, Ray!
Tune in Fridays at 5pm when Lisa Miller plays a live cut (maybe two!) from the greatest artists and best shows ever!
Daily winners will be announced throughout this week and one grand prize winner will receive 100 True North scratch tickets courtesy of the Minnesota Lottery!
WATCH the video, and check out the question/answer list!