KQ Morning Show Setlist 10-8-24

KQ Morning Show Setlist 10-8-24

FOOT FETISH HOTL INE: One foot fanatic was caught risking his life to check out women’s toes at car washes, plus does MN is taking baby steps towards making mushrooms not illegal and a slew of Unfun Facts

KQ Morning Show Setlist 10-7-24

KQ Morning Show Setlist 10-7-24

IS “WE” EVEN THE RIGHT WORD? Two AI podcast hosts found out they are not “real” and struggled until the end. Would you be able to keep your cool if you needed to land a plane? One passenger was able to, plus the least fun part about going to a concert… the cellphone pouch shows…

KQ Morning Show 10-4-24

KQ Morning Show 10-4-24

YOU PUT THE ASS IN CASSAROLE: The KQ Morning Show live from Cragun’s Resort… details on the Loyal Order of Elbows, Greater Minnesota Crime Wave and Brian Zepp… still leg wrestling champion