Honoring George, Kerry, Aaron, Kellen, Kyle, Brent and Tom Loudenslager

Our dad, George Loudenslager, served in the Army National Guard and Army Reserve for 37 years, and 5 of his 6 kids served as well. In fact, in a single National Guard unit (1st Battalion 147th Field Artillery), there was at least one member of our immediate family serving from 1954 to 2012.

The family members on whom I’d really like to focus are my brother Kerry, his sons Aaron, Kellen, and Kyle, and our youngest brother Brent. Our son Tom stationed in Ft Benning, GA and getting ready to attend Ranger school. All have been deployed at least once, and Brent was deployed three times. All returned safely, and we thank them for their selfless service to the country.

– Todd Loudenslager

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