- All-time favorite bands/artists? Tom Petty, Pearl Jam, Jayhawks, Soul Asylum, and many more local bands
- First album you ever purchased? Bachman Turner Overdrive Not Fragile
- First Concert? Loverboy in Fargo
- Which band have you seen in concert the most times? Springsteen (3) REO (3) Flamin’ Oh’s, and The Suburbs at least a couple dozen times
- Name a show that’s a MUST watch? Ozark (Netflix)
- What’s a movie(s) you could never get sick of watching? Blackhawk Down, Bull Durham, Dumb And Dumber
- Greatest comedy movie of all-time? Dumb and Dumber
- Favorite local sports team? Vikings
- What’s an app you can’t live without? Bands In Town
- Describe your first car: A white 1974 Plymouth Fury
- What topic(s) would you crush at trivia night? Music
- What toppings are on your ideal pizza? All the meats!
- Growing up, whose poster was on your bedroom wall? The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
- If you could go to dinner with 3 famous people (dead or alive) who would you pick? Steven Tyler, Kathleen Madigan, Dave Grohl