Featuring: Tom Barnard, Terri Traen, Tony Lee, Mike \”Stretch\” Gelfand, Bob Sansevere, Jeff Passolt, Jay-Bee, Brent R. Wilcox, Bryce Crousore, Dave Tuttle and Phillip Wise

Featured Track

Featured Track

Featured Track

I Ain\'t Got Time To Poop Tracklist

1. The Blair Bitch Project
2. The Sixth Sense
3. Embassy Call
5. SLA in HP
6. Jesse Golfs
7. Bill the Victim
8. Folkin’-Noel
9. MasterCard
10. Fatman
11. Richard Simmons
12. Vikings Choke-A-Polka
13. Hurricane Floyd
14. ‘Ho-House Beautiful
15. Foot Fraternity
16. Denny & the Mama
17. Unsolved Mystery
18. Liz Taylor Stunt Show
19. Dope PSA
20. U of Clem Rouser
21. New Scouts
23. Trauma Center
24. 1-900 Force-It
25. Columbine Grad
26. Kosovo Y-Know
27. A Lab Rat Speaks
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