Featuring: Tom Barnard, Terri Traen, Tony Lee, Mike \”Stretch\” Gelfand, Bob Sansevere, Jeff Passolt, Jay-Bee and Cabé

Featured Track

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Featured Track

Featured Track

Whatever Tracklist

1. Intro
2. Richard Jewel’s Favorite Things
3. Alien Snapple
4. Flogapalooza
5. Tyson’s PSA
6. Cunanan
7. Talk with Tak
8. Dykes in Beaverview
9. Sue’s Wedding
10. Dallas Men’s Warehouse
11. Spokesman Denny
13. Courtney’s Girl
14. Hopeful Beginnings
15. Teresa
16. Hey Paula
17. M.C. JEFF
18. Fuhrman Audition
19. Mayor’s Quote
20. Ronnie for Dole
21. Must Be Lesbian
22. Irv Turretsky
23. Breast Scale
24. Of the Jungle
25. That’s Death
26. Baptist Protest
27. Play That Race Card
28. Jurassic Park North
29. Talk with Tak
30. C.C.R. ROCKS
31. Notorious O.L.E.
32. POP
33. Joint Full of Cannabis
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